This is for all the ladies out there that have thought "If only they had my size..." - I hear you loud and clear!
With more and more designers hearing the call of the masses, adjustable rings have evolved with the use of new materials and quality designs. Oh no, adjustable rings are no longer for kids - Although I suspect you will feel as happy a kid in a lolly store when try these rings on for size(haha.. ahem... where was I?).

Back to the rings... To satisfy all the ring lovers out there, Mink Schmink are pleased to be presenting Avalon Silver's range of adjustable rings. Handcrafted from quality Sterling Silver, their adjustable bands are designed so that they don't pinch your fingers - it also looks like a normal ring when you put it on (I know, I know, that sounds impossible, but really you have to see them to understand - it's quite clever).
These 3 are just a few examples of the designs we have but as you can see, they could easily lift any outfit from drab to fab. Gotta love it!