Sunday 6 December 2009

Christmas is coming

I know there are a lot of organised women out there sitting smugly with all their shopping done for Christmas already - I say good on you ladies! Well done! Hip Hip Hurrah!

Myself, on the other hand - I need to start... I should take a hint from all the ladies that have been in the store lately and get my act together! But I am halfway there in that I know what I need to get/do (obviously I can't say here otherwise the surprise will be out of the bag).

But here's a hint for the guys out there who don't know what to buy their lady - your lady will always love receiving jewellery as a present. ALWAYS.

Perhaps it's something about the sparkly bits. Maybe it's the way it jingles when you wear it. Or it could just be that it makes you feel good when you wear it. But either way, if it comes from someone special, it means even more. But whatever you do, don't leave it till the last minute. I see it happen every year.

Ok ladies, I think you'll like these - awesome girlfriend pressies that won't break the bank and are complete bargains. These charm bracelets have gorgeous lampwork glass beads (there are loads of colours available - I've just pictured the purple and black), metallic charms and are also stretchy so they fit anyone. But get this, we sell them for a bargain price of $9. You'll appreciate how much of a bargain they are when you read the next part.

Now I love my shopping as mych as the next woman, but when I saw these in a big shopping centre (I won't say here online where it was) I just had to see how much they were selling them for. I couldn't believe the price. They were exactly the same... even down to the charms and colours that we have. Their price: $30 (insert coughing spluttering sounds here).

I love a good bracelet. Especially if it's a bargain. You can never have too many.

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